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Our Mission is to encourage the active practice of the Masonic Principles of Benevolence and Charity, and to promote a positive image of Freemasonry in the Community.

This website has been prepared by the Foundation to better inform Nova Scotia Freemasons of the Foundation programs available to them.  It provides descriptions of all Foundation programs and all of the information necessary for lodges to participate fully in benevolent and charitable activities for the benefit of members, their lodges, their local communities and Freemasonry in general.


Individual members of a Lodge or groups of Lodges known as Districts Associations bring a  request to the Masonic Lodge for consideration.  If the Lodge wishes to support the request, an application is made to the Masonic Foundation under the appropriate program.

Freemasons in Nova Scotia


Charity is often seen as the public face of Freemasonry. 


Freemasons’ charity in Nova Scotia is best known through benevolence, care for the aged, hospitals, learning centres for dyslexic children, and financial support for students pursuing higher education; but there is much more being done than is generally recognized.

While all Freemasons’ Lodges throughout the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia practice charity in their own right, the Masonic Foundation of Nova Scotia is the body mainly responsible for the management and distribution of money for charitable purposes; including benevolent assistance given through the Assisted Home Program and shared funding with Lodges pursuing local community and bursary programs.



We are a Canada Revenue Agency Registered Charity,  #119034510 incorporated under the Nova Scotia Societies Act in 1969.


​(902) 423-6149​



167 Coronation Avenue

Halifax, NS B3N 2N2


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